Two Building Sites, Croft Road, Dromara, Dromore, Down, BT25 1AD

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Description & Features
Two Building Sites With Planning Permission Occupying Prominent Settings Within This Delightful Rural Area
Each Site Extends To Approximately One Acre And Access Is Via A Shared Private Lane Exclusive To Both Sites
Please note, it is the owners preference to sell both sites as one lot
Planning Permission Has Been Granted For Two Dwellings (Planning Details Available From Agents Or NI Planning Portal)
Planning References S/2003/1845/O And S/2010/0265/RM
Uninterrupted Rural Aspects With Site Two Having Views To Dromara Hills And Slieve Croob
This Picturesque Location Is Convenient To Hillsborough, Dromore And Less Than Ten Miles To Sprucefield
From Sprucefield proceed along A1 Dual Carriageway, 3.5 miles turn left into Dromara Road, 4.2 miles proceed straight ahead at junction with Ballynahinch Road, 1.3 miles turn right into Croft Road, lane to sites is 0.4 mile on the left.
Please note we have not tested any apparatus, fixtures, fittings, or services. Interested parties must undertake their own investigation into the working order of these items. All measurements are approximate and photographs provided for guidance only.
Housing Tenure
Type of Tenure
Not Provided
Location of Two Building Sites
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