Units 1&2, 2 Peggs Loaning, Brookfield Industrial Estate, Banbridge, Down, BT32 4AP
Contact Whelan Commercial Ltd

Description & Features
The property comprises a bar with public lounge, snooker/pool room, raised floor area, men’s/ladies and disabled WC facilities, and mezzanine storage area. Off-sales with cold store, office and dry store as well as internal access to the bar. Externally there is a hot food takeaway and car parking situated to the front of the premises. We are advised that the Hot Food Takeaway is currently rented at £10,000 per annum.
Licensed Premises and Off-Sales
• Hot Food takeaway investment
• Liquor Licence 5(1)(a) available by separate negotiation
• On site car park
• Potential to re-purpose to other Retail / Commercial uses
Location of Units 1&2
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